You may not have noticed (though I'd be thrilled if you did - it's nice to be missed), but I’ve been quiet for the past couple of months.
The reason why is because over the past year I've seen an increasing number of clients and prospects growing less interested in stand-alone writing and editing services. Instead, I found that more were asking about broader digital marketing strategies that I was, unfortunately, not in a position to address.
The reason why is because over the past year I've seen an increasing number of clients and prospects growing less interested in stand-alone writing and editing services. Instead, I found that more were asking about broader digital marketing strategies that I was, unfortunately, not in a position to address.
As you know, when a marketplace changes, businesses must evolve in order to meet those challenges and better serve their hard-won clients. As Brad Pitt said in Moneyball, "Adapt or die."
For that reason, I've made some important changes to our business model that I’m extremely excited to share with you:
Daniel Quinn Communications is now a full-service inbound marketing agency, offering clients a turnkey solution for their digital marketing strategy, in addition to our long-standing writing and editing services.

One of the keys to my success has always been to ensure that a unique sensibility and thoughtfulness infused every aspect of my work.
As such, I am truly excited about taking all that is unique about my firm's perspective, pairing it with a highly powerful suite of inbound digital marketing software, and leveraging both on behalf of my clients; infusing their well-worn marketing efforts with a fresh vitality that's often been missing for far too long.
As such, I am truly excited about taking all that is unique about my firm's perspective, pairing it with a highly powerful suite of inbound digital marketing software, and leveraging both on behalf of my clients; infusing their well-worn marketing efforts with a fresh vitality that's often been missing for far too long.
Our ultimate goal remains helping our clients tell their stories. But now we can disseminate that message with greater frequency, differentiation, and precision. Importantly, all of our work will have a quantifiably measurable ROI.
To augment my experience, I have joined with the inbound marketing software company, HubSpot. As a member of their elite Partner Program, DQCOMM has a specific and dedicated team of technical and marketing specialists to assist with whatever additional strategic support may be necessary.
As always, I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have. For more on Daniel Quinn Communications and our new inbound marketing services:

Have a great Q2 and keep in touch.