Others are content to reach out to clients and prospects on a quarterly basis.
In either case, an important best practice is ensuring that content is delivered to its audience on a predictable timetable.
And that’s fine - what’s important is that a firm stays true to its identity and doesn’t try to be something they’re not.
To thine own self be true.
If a manager falls into the “reach out to clients and prospects on a quarterly basis” category, and as such its communications with clients are infrequent to begin with, an unpredictable delivery schedule can create the unfortunate impression that an investment management firm only communicates with clients and prospects when it’s convenient.
In highly competitive industries, such as ours, predictable content delivery for investment managers is a big deal because erratically-scheduled communications differentiate a firm negatively, and call into question an investment management firm’s commitment to timely client service.
As I noted in my last post, the usual roadblock to consistent, timely delivery of content is finding the time to actually create it. I laid out some best practices, including:
- Establishing a repeatable template for content creation,
- Creating and using an editorial calendar to keep things chugging along,
- Writing about what’s on your mind,
- Keeping track of new ideas as they come, and
- Making content creation a firm-wide responsibility.
Investment managers always must remember that there are many places for investors to take their money. As such investment managers should be striving to offer diferentiated value beyond portfolio returns.
By adding value through insightful communications, delivered on a consistent, predictable basis, managers can better weather the periods of relative underperformance that happen to every firm periodically.
Interested in learning if your firm is ready for a more formal content strategy? Download our eBook now: